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eLearning Write For Us

eLearning Write For Us

In a simplified translation, e-learning means electronic learning. Therefore, it consists of non-face-to-face learning based on technological pillars, such as online teaching platforms. It is the case of distance learning, which has become quite popular due to the current scenario in which we live.

E-learning works through a virtual environment, using a digital platform’s tools and resources, especially in content distribution, management, and communication.

A classroom or training room needs everything for learning and exchanging experiences and knowledge.

From the employee’s perspective, corporate e-learning can also be considered the procedure by which an employee can access specific content through a virtual teaching environment, in which a tutor must assist him in his tasks and other activities.

Advantage of Elearning

Greater flexibility

Through e-learning, students have much more flexible schedules than the traditional method, which requires them to travel on a specific date and time.

After all, he can take classes from the comfort of his home at the time that best fits his routine, without spending hours in traffic, for example.

Study Where You Like Best

Another great benefit of e-learning is that all you need is a computer or cell phone for the student to participate in the classes. Regardless of his location, he can access and consume the content without many barriers.


By not needing a physical structure, teachers/ instructors with the same classes every day, and other factors, e-learning is a cheaper method than the traditional one.

Disadvantages of e-learning

The learning mode may not be ideal for everyone

Despite being an efficient and seemingly perfect method for everyone, some people may still prefer the face-to-face model over e-learning. Since they feel more concentrated in a study environment with a real-time instructor giving the content of the classes.

It is why this more “liberal” model may not suit all student profiles, as some feel that they learn faster in person.

Lack of immediate response

Another point that can be negative when it comes to e-learning is the lack of an immediate response; that is, the student can even attend the class at dawn, for example, but that does not mean that he will have a teacher available for possible queries.

Different from a traditional training center, where students can clear their doubts with the instructor in real time.

Less control

E-learning can be a problem for those more undisciplined employees since they generally do not have a fixed routine or timetable for carrying out classes.

This method can make the most unmotivated procrastinate, as there is no fixed time to complete the training.

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