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Artificial Intelligence Write For Us – Artificial intelligence is an arena of science concerned with building computers and also machines that can reason, learn, and act in ways that would normally require human intelligence or involve data larger than humans can analyze.

AI is a broad field that spans many different disciplines, including computer science, data analysis and statistics, hardware and also software engineering, linguistics, neuroscience, and even philosophy and psychology.

At the operational level for business use, AI is a set of technologies based primarily on machine learning and deep learning used for data analysis, prediction and forecasting, object categorization, language processing natural, recommendations, intelligent data recovery, and more.

Types of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence can be organized in different ways depending on the stages of development or the actions taken. For example, the four stages of AI development are generally recognized.

Responsive Machines

Limited AI that only responds to different types of stimuli based on pre-programmed rules. It does not use memory, so we cannot learn with new data. IBM’s Deep Blue, which defeated world chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997, was an example of a reactive machine.

Limited Memory

Most modern AIs are considered to have limited memory. It can use memory to improve over time by training with new data, usually through an artificial neural network or another training model. Deep learning, a subset of machine learning, is considered artificial intelligence with limited memory.

Theory of Mind

Theory of Mind AI does not currently exist, but research into its possibilities continues. It describes an AI that can mimic the human mind and has human-equivalent decision-making abilities, including recognizing and remembering emotions and reacting in social situations like a human.


A level above the Theory of Mind AI, Self-Aware AI describes a mythical machine, aware of its own existence and possessing a human’s intellectual and sensitive abilities. Like the theory of mind AI, there is currently no self-aware AI.

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