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Sore Throat – Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

Sore Throat

At some point in life, we ​​have suffered from a sore throat. This annoying feeling can prevent us from properly digesting food, putting us in a bad mood and turning a wonderful day into an endless nightmare.

Although you will not become a specialist after reading this article, you will know what this discomfort consists of and how to treat it properly.

Causes That Produce A Sore Throat

The etiology of a sore throat can be due to several factors. Next, we will mention some of the most frequent

Sore Throat Symptoms

A sore throat can cause odynophagia (pain when swallowing). Depending on your symptoms, its causes can be determined. So, you must be aware of the signs that you present so that, to a reasonable degree, you can distinguish between something temporary or more lasting.

The following symptoms indicate that the cause of the disease is possibly viral infections:

Sore Throat Treatment

The ideal would be for a doctor to examine us to determine the disease that causes the sore throat through a physical examination.

A health care specialist can tell if a bacterial infection causes discomfort by looking at the tonsils. In that case, you will most likely be inclined to prescribe antibiotics. If that is your situation, staying home and following the treatment to the letter is best. Commonly prescribed antibiotics are

Antibiotics should not be used without a prescription, as their side effects can far outweigh the supposed benefits. In addition, they are only effective in cases where the infection is bacterial.

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Sucking on lemon or honey candies or chews can reduce pain and bring relief to a sore throat. Oral antiseptics are suitable for treating minor infections.

If viral agents cause throat irritation, antibiotics will not help. Symptoms usually subside within a week at most, and in this circumstance, the doctor may prescribe medication to reduce pain and discomfort. Among the most used drugs you can find:

From home, we can also do a lot to alleviate the effects of a sore throat with solutions that will not cause collateral damage. Like for example, these practical solutions:


Indeed, it would be helpful to know what this condition is, the symptoms it can cause, and the measures. Practical recommendations to relieve a sore throat, and of course, if it is necessary to go to the doctor when this happens.

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