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Technical SEO – requirements, Long-Term Success, And More

Technical SEO is the foundation of the SEO process. No house can be built without a solid foundation, even if everything else equals perfection. If it’s crooked, no matter how beautiful the furnishings, the way there includes many stumbling blocks that destroy the overall picture. Both for Google to crawl and visitors to click through your website. In other words, it ensures that the visitor can easily click through the website.

A flawless technical SEO work is the minimum for every website and therefore a must-have for search engine optimization.

What Is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO refers in optimizing your website for the crawling and indexing phase to increase rankings. With Technical Search Engine Optimization, you can help search engines quickly access, crawl, interpret, and index your website.

It’s called “technical” because it has nothing to do with the actual content of the website or with website promotion. The chief goal of technical search engine optimization is to optimize the foundation of a website. Of course, many technical SEO optimizations are also a significant ranking factor.

Technical SEO Requirements At A Glance

As you can see, there are some requirements when it comes to technical SEO. In summary, you should ensure that the Google crawlers can visit the website thus and adequately index it regularly. Millions of websites are brought online daily, and countless Google bots have the task of indexing these websites.

Help Google and make your website search engine friendly. By integrating a sitemap, you provide the Google crawlers with a map that allows them to understand the structure of your website quickly. It is a positive effect on your visibility. Furthermore, it is advantageous to use an SEO checklist for technical optimization to keep an overview.

Technical Optimization For Long-Term Success

It would help if you had a fundamental technical optimization of the website. The foundations for this optimization are best laid right at the beginning of the website launch but can also be done later. For example, the right choice of theme, clean code, and compressed images are fundamental measures for a technically optimized website. Furthermore, a sitemap submitted to Google is essential to ensure problem-free crawling and thus website indexing.

Technical SEO Checklist

Companies now know where to start to optimize their site for SEO technically. You can use our SEO checklist for a comprehensive SEO audit. With this, companies can check their website step by step – and thus uncover and repair crucial SEO weaknesses:

Technical SEO With Sanative

Sedative has in-depth know-how and many years of experience in online marketing and search engine optimization. As a technical SEO agency, we can work with you to develop a sustainable SEO strategy that will make you visible on Google in the long term – and thus increase your sales.


Technical SEO also includes the security aspect of a website. Since a hack can cause not only image damage but also ranking losses, you should ensure the website’s security. The basics include using an SSL certificate, a strong password, and regularly updating plugins and third-party programs to close security gaps.

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