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Stress – Symptoms, Treatments And Prevention


Stress is the body’s response to tensions, emotions or challenges. A dose of stress is positive because it allows the ability to adapt to develop, in addition, it releases a series of hormones that serve to respond immediately to risk situations.

However, when the body is subjected to long periods of stress, a series of symptoms may appear that compromise the person’s health.

What Is Stress?

It is defined as a feeling that allows the human being to react immediately to a difficult situation. It is like an emergency system of the body.

Since it is a natural response, it can be experienced at any age, “Since it is the body’s non-specific response to a need, we all feel it constantly to some degree.”

Types Of Stress

Stress by itself is not bad , in fact the American Psychological Association uses an interesting analogy to explain the balance of this feeling.

They compare it to the tension of a violin string, if there is little pressure the sound will be out of tune and low, but if it is too strong it breaks. You have to find the balance! In general, it is classified into two types.

Acute Stress

This is the most common and comes from everyday situations , we experience it in the middle of a discussion, a school exam, at work, etc.

Chronic Stress

This type of stress is long-lasting , it can be triggered by extreme poverty, a divorce, among other causes. The patient feels overwhelmed, alone, irritable. Those who suffer from it become physically and mentally ill.

If it persists for weeks, then it is classified as chronic stress. What makes the latter dangerous is that the person who experiences it can “get used to that level of stress” which prevents them from seeking professional help, and the clinical picture worsens.

Stress Symptoms

Experiencing some pressure while driving, or arguing can cause some. However, if you lead a tiring life, that is, with many tasks and you feel exhausted, you may be one step away from experiencing chronic stress. It is necessary to be alert to these symptoms

Common Effects Of Stress

Chronic stress is a real health risk. Next, we will explain some of the key consequences of stress

All these consequences occur due to the high level of concern. The patient may even gain weight due to anxiety, or lose weight due to depression.


Stress is a problem that can be controlled, for this it is necessary to recognize the symptoms and take action before the situation gets out of control.

Cut down on things that cause irritation. The best way to stop it is to try to solve the specific problem, so try to deal with it, discuss the matter with family members.


When it is experienced , the body begins to drain a series of hormones such as Cortisol or Adrenaline, which allows the brain to be active and attentive to a specific situation. In other words, the body prepares itself to deal with the cause of the stress, once overcome, the body returns to a normal state.

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